signature SPLAY_TREE
structure SplayTree
The SplayTree structure provides the datatype and two basic functions necessary for applicative Sleator-Tarjan splay trees.
datatype 'a splay
= SplayObj of {value : 'a, right : 'a splay, left : 'a splay}
| SplayNil
val splay : (('a -> order) * 'a splay) -> (order * 'a splay)
val join : ('a splay * 'a splay) -> 'a splay
datatype 'a splay
splay (cmp, tree)
, where tree' is tree adjusted using the comparison function cmp. In addtion, if tree' = SplayObj{value,...}
, then r equal cmp value
. tree' = SplayNil
if and only if tree = SplayNil
, in which case r is unspecified.
Usually, cmp will compare its argument against some fixed value. For example, if cmpfn : 'a * 'a -> order
defines an order relation on the type 'a
and we wish to search for a value u
, we can pass the function fn v => cmpfn(v,u)
to the splay
join (sp, sp2)
SplaySetFn, SplayMapFn
Not only is the data structure concrete, but the splay
function takes a comparison function as an argument, allowing the semantics of the splay tree to be changed on the fly. It is assumed that this structure will only be used within another structure that will guarantee the consistency of the trees.
Last Modified June 5, 1998
Comments to John Reppy
Copyright © 1998 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies