SML/NJ Library Manual




The MONO_DYNAMIC_ARRAY signature specifies an interface to dynamic monomorphic arrays. These act like arrays of unbounded length.


type elem
type array
val array : (int * elem) -> array
val subArray : (array * int * int) -> array
val fromList : (elem list * elem) -> array
val tabulate : (int * (int -> elem) * elem) -> array
val default : array -> elem
val sub : (array * int) -> elem
val update : (array * int * elem) -> unit
val bound : array -> int
val truncate : (array * int) -> unit


type elem

type array

array (sz, el)
creates a dynamic array all of whose elements are initialized to the default value of el. The sz parameter is used as a hint of the potential range of indices of non-default items. Raises Size if sz < 0.

subArray (arr, lo, hi)
creates a new array with the same default as arr, and whose values in the range [0,hi-lo] are equal to the values in arr in the range [lo, hi]. Raises Size if hi < lo.

fromList (l, el)
creates an array using the list of values l plus the default value el.

tabulate (sz, f, el)
acts like Array.tabulate, plus stores the default value el. Raises Size if sz < 0.

default arr
returns the array's default value.

sub (arr, i)
returns value of the array at index i. If that value has not been set by update, it returns the default value. Raises Subscript if i < 0. Note that no exception is raised for an index too large.

update (arr, i, el)
sets the value at index i of the array arr to el. Raises Subscript if i < 0. Note that no exception is raised for an index too large.

bound arr
returns an upper bound on the index of values that have been changed.

truncate (arr, sz)
makes every entry in arr with index greater than sz the default value.

See Also

DynamicArrayFn, MONO_ARRAY

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Last Modified June 9, 1998
Comments to John Reppy
Copyright © 1998 Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies