Standard ML of New Jersey Interactive System

This section explains some of the basic elements of using the Standard ML of New Jersey compiler as an interactive system into which you enter declarations and expressions or load code from source files. This is the most accessible mode of using the compiler, but for any programs of nontrivial size we recommend that the Compilation Manager be used to organize the compilation process.

We assume below that you are using the compiler under Unix. The behavior will be somewhat different under MS Windows or the Macintosh OS.

Running Standard ML

Type ``sml'' from the shell. This puts you into the interactive system. The top level prompt is ``-'', and the secondary prompt (printed when input is incomplete) is ``=''. If you get the secondary prompt when you don't expect it, typing ``; return'' will often complete your input, or typing your interrupt character (e.g., control-C) will cancel your input and return to the ML top level.

If ``sml'' doesn't work, ask where sml has been installed on your machine and use the appropriate path name or redefine your PATH environment variable.

Interactive input

Input to the top level interpreter (i.e., declarations and expressions) must be terminated by a semicolon (and carriage return) before the system will evaluate it. The system then prints out a response indicating the effect of the evaluation. Expressions are treated as implicit declarations of a standard variable it. For example,
- 3;user input after prompt
val it = 3 : intsystem response
This means that the value of the last top level expression evaluated can be referred to using the variable ``it.''

Interrupting compilation or execution

Typing the interrupt character (typically control-C) should interrupt the compiler and return you to top level.

Exiting the interactive system.

Typing control-D (EOF) at top level will cause an exit to the shell (or the parent process from which sml was run). One can also terminate by calling OS.Process.exit(OS.Process.success).

Loading ML source text from a file

The function use: string -> unit interprets its argument as a file name relative to sml's current directory and loads the text from that file as though it had been typed in. This should normally be executed at top level, but the loaded files can also contain calls of use to recursively load other files. It is a bad idea to call use within an expression or declaration, because the effects are not well-defined.

For industrial-strength multi-module software systems, the the Compilation Manager is more appropriate than use.

Error messages

The compiler attempts to recover from syntactic errors so that it can also produce semantic (type-checking) errors during the same compilation. Syntactic error recovery is more accurate for source files loaded by use or CM than it is from declarations typed directly into the interactive system -- this is because lookahead is not possible when text is entered one line at a time.

When compiling files, the error messages include line numbers and character positions within the line. For example:

- if true
= then 5 true
= else 6;
std_in:7.6-7.11 Error: operator is not a function
  operator: int
  in expression:
    5 true
Here the location information std_in:7.6-7.11 indicates that the erroneous expression ``5 true'' occupies characters 6 through 11 of the 7th line of input from std_in. For simple syntactic errors this position information is usually accurate or perhaps off by just one line. For some classes of errors the line numbers may not be very useful, because they delineate a potentially large declaration containing the error. If the error occurs in a file being loaded by use, the line numbers will refer to lines in the file being loaded.

There are a number of different forms of type error message, and it may require some practice before you become adept at interpreting them. The most common form indicates a mismatch between the type of a function (or operator) and its argument (or operand). A representation of the offending expression is usually included, but this is an image of the internal abstract syntax for the expression and may differ significantly from the original source code. For instance, an expression ``if e1 then e2 else e3'' is represented internally as a case expression over a boolean value: ``$case e1 of true => e2 | false => e3.''

All the error messages produced by SML/NJ are documented in the SML/NJ Error and Warning Messages page.

Compiler interface

Most users will interact with the compiler by loading code via the use command or under control of the Compilation Manager. However, some control of individual compiler phases is possible through the Compiler.Control structure.


The structure Compiler.Control.Print contains several useful flags and functions with which you can control or redirect compiler error, diagnostic, and result messages. Among other things, there is a variable printDepth that controls the depth of printing of large structured values.

Interacting with the operating system

The structures IO, OS, and others contain functions for such tasks as executing other programs from within sml and changing the current directory. These are documented in The Standard ML Basis Library manual.

Emacs support

The directory contrib/emacs contains Matthew J. Morley's sml-mode package that supports editing SML source code and interacting with sml under GNU emacs. The sml-mode package is available at our ftp site.

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